NOTE: This product will be prepared and shipped, with the most care, from San Francisco (USA) by the staff from Ministry of Scent. In this way, in addition to getting your 100% natural fragrance earlier, you will save on fuel and carbon dioxide. We hope you understand. You can read more here.

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Regular price $165.00 USD
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MUGA is the most floral and aromatic of our LANDSCAPE SCENTS. Dynamic and ever-changing, vigorous and almost impertinent, like spring. You can feel the buzz of bees and the quiet sexuality of rosemary, immortelle, chamomile and lavender.

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* LANDSCAPE SCENTS are our personal interpretation of the three most characteristic landscapes of the Empordà: mountains, plains and seacoasts. In each case, we formulate the product using only the plants that give each place its characteristic fragrance, as well as the associations and emotions it awakens. Muga is the name of the river that crosses the Alt Empordà, connecting the mountains with the sea. The river plays the role of matchmaker in this strange marriage between two opposing worlds. They say it used the exuberance of spring to bring them together, and the river’s fertile waters helped unleash their affair.

Plants and Benefits

Chamomile/Camamilla (Chamaemelun nobile), Rosemary/Romaní (Rosmarinus officinalis) Spanish lavander/Cap d’ase (Lavandula estoechas), Lavender/Lavanda (Lavandula), Inmortelle/Sempreviva (Helichrysum stoechas), Cypress/Xiprer (Cupressus), Rockroses/Estepes (Cistus monspeliensis,Cistus ladanifer)


Spring enlivens us. Rosemary and immortelle raise our spirits, and cypress is a powerful and well-known antidepressant (we ask ourselves why they are planted in cemeteries). To compensate for all that enthusiasm, chamomile and Spanish lavender add a dash of serenity, and the familiar elegance of lavender takes you by the hand and reassures you.

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